Standard Interpretations(Archived) - Standard Number
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- 1904.2 - Baseline audiogram requirements for re-hire of past employee. - 02/15/2000
- 1904.2 - Clarification of when injuries and illnesses are work-related and recordable. - 10/29/1999
- 1904.2 - Fault plays no role in the OSHA recordkeeping system. - 06/24/1999
- 1904.2 - Injuries resulting from epileptic seizures at work are recordable. - 02/02/2000
- 1904.2 - Injuries that occur during business travel are recordable. - 04/14/2000
- 1904.2 - Injuries/illnesses from voluntary physical exams at work may be recordable. - 12/10/1999
- 1904.2 - OSHA 200 Form Location - 12/20/1991
- 1904.2 - OSHA does not prohibit reducing bonuses based on accidents. - 03/02/2000
- 1904.2 - OSHA injury/illness recordabity must not impact medical treatment provided. - 12/10/1999
- 1904.2 - Recordability of injuries during employee exercise;restricted workday clarification. - 02/02/2000
- 1904.2 - Recordability of injury/illness resulting solely from a physical defect. - 11/01/1999
- 1904.2 - Recordable hours and injuries for truck drivers should reflect work-related exposures. - 03/06/2000
- 1904.2 - Recording injuries that occur at secondary facility of the same company. - 07/14/1999
- 1904.2 - Recording of occupational hearing loss on OSHA Form 200 - 02/06/1991
- 1904.2 - Recordkeeping: foreign workers working in U.S.; U.S. workers working abroad. - 12/07/1999
- 1904.2 - Recordkeeping: accommodation camps are ordinarily considered a "home away from home." - 05/01/2000
- 1904.2 - Recordkeeping: clarifications of second visits for recordability. - 05/24/2000
- 1904.2 - Recordkeeping: lost workdays that occur prior to diagnosis must be recorded. - 05/24/2000
- 1904.2 - Recordkeeping: several clarifications of first aid vs. medical treatment. - 05/05/2000
- 1904.2 - Restricted work activity concept hinges on employee's ability to work. - 03/06/2000
- 1904.2 - Separate establishments require separate OSHA logs; No recent recordkeeping revisions. - 07/21/1999
- 1904.2 - Topical skin adhesive used to close wounds is considered medical treatment. - 07/21/1999
- 1904.2 - Work-related injuries and illnesses that occur in home-based worksites are recordable. - 07/12/2000
- 1904.2(a) - All injuries/illnesses that result in days away from work are recordable. - 06/26/2000
- 1904.2(a) - Proper recording of hearing loss on the OSHA Log 200. - 01/06/1993
- 1904.2(a) - U.S. Postal Service's equivalent to the OSHA 200 form. - 06/07/1999
- 1904.2(a) - Warehouse facility considered separate establishment requiring separate OSHA 200 Log. - 04/14/1998